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Akadamie Malinois
Akadamie Belgian Malinois Puppies Breeding highest quality puppies with an eye on health and temperament
Currently, we have two male pups 10 months old out of Justice and K9 Thunder click here to learn more about them.
Justice came into season in October 2023 and we plan to breed to Amadeus, this planned breeding will take place on 10-13-2023, whelping will be sometime about 12-13-2023 with pups going to new homes about mid-February, you can reserve a pup with a non-refundable 500.00 deposit, read our puppy contract Click Here
Previous puppy photos

Our puppies are born and raised in a climate-controlled environment. They are progressively tested at all stages of their life in order to evaluate their potential and to better place them in a home where they can attain that potential. We are very picky about that placement. These puppies are a major part of our life, and we constantly wonder about how they are coming along. They are highly active and require a great amount of attention, bonding, and love. They get that here and will require the same for the rest of their lives. We address all health concerns and will supply in depth health records. They will be vaccinated, microchipped and will have undergone preliminary testing and training prior to placement. We want these puppies to be as much a treasure in your lives as they are in ours. We start them out on a premium diet with supplemental vitamins and this should be maintained. Al of our dogs receive NuVet supplements. In our opinion these are the best money can buy. For more information see our page on NuVet, and be sure to use the order code when ordering them.